Networks are everywhere!

From neurons in the human brain to cell phone networks that keep the modern world connected: These Networks are not only an essential part of our everyday lives but their function (or dysfunction) matters.

BeyondTheEdge's Networks 101 provides an introduction to the mathematics behind networks and network dynamics—especially those with 'higher-order' group interactions. From researcher to toddler, we provide resources to make your first steps into the fascinating field of networks.

Bear Networks

Curious about networks? In the book Bear Networks—conceptualized by BeyondTheEdge researchers Raffaella Mulas and Christian Bick and illustrated by Piergiorgio Mulas—introduces the essentials of mathematics of networks. It is not only meant for the smallest researchers-to-be but also for anyone who is curious. Download a free copy at Zenodo or come by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to pick up a paper copy.

Bear Networks on Zenodo

What are higher-order neworks?

Traditionally, network interactions between pairs. For example, in a power network a power line (mathematically an "edge") connects a generator (e.g., a power plant) to a user (e.g., your toaster). By contrast, the focus of BeyondTheEdge are networks with "higher-order" interactions beyond edges: For example, social interactions of humans are different whether we are in pairs or groups of three or more.