Technische Universität München

With over 600 professors and ca 45,000 students, the Technische Universität München  (TUM) has a unique profile in Germany with its core domains in natural science, engineering, life science and medicine. The BeyondTheEdge research will be focused within the research group ''Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics” at the Department of Mathematics. The group is led by Professor Christian Kuehn. The group focuses upon developing mathematical methods for nonlinear dynamical systems and differential equations arising in various applications. Particular focus areas include network dynamics, stochastic dynamics, multiscale systems, and nonlocal partial differential equations (PDEs). All these techniques play key roles in the mathematical development of higher-order/hypergraph dynamics. The Dynamics group performs research on analytical and numerical methods with particular attention towards direct collaboration with applications. For example, there are several existing cooperation research projects with physics, biology, engineering, socio-economic sciences, among others.